
"The pen is mightier than the sword."

Or so they say. In any case, words have great power.

We hope to use that power to encourage our species to do what it has always done: go forth. Not, this time, to a new valley, or island, or even continent, but to the heavens. And go forth not to explore but to live. Go forth and create a multi-world humanity, an interplanetary society.

And if humanity is going to do this, the Earth by itself is a classic example of "necessary, but not sufficient".

We need the Moon. The 'yin' to our 'yang'. Everything that supports life but defeats space-travel is absent on the Moon.

The oxygen, for example, is in the rocks instead of in the atmosphere. We can easily bake it out of the rocks but we don't have to fight our way through a thick atmosphere to get off the Moon's surface and into space.

The gravity is low and the diameter small, which means it only takes 1/20 the energy to leave the Moon than it does the Earth. A nickel on the dollar. All by itself, this changes everything. The Moon can be the shipyard for the solar system. It even has plenty of metals to build those ships.

The Moon is also close enough to permit 'real-time' communication, which could be critical for any number of reasons, especially if an emergency arises. And it's only 12 hours away by spacecraft. No other sizable body in the Solar System has this advantage of proximity.

So, the Moon is both necessary and possible. We must then make it human. We will start with stories, that most human of inventions.

We hope to write stories that are good enough to entertain people and hold their attention. And we hope to fill the pages with characters and ideas that will encourage our readers to think of the Earth-Moon system as one thing: the irreplaceable and irreducible core of a future multi-planetary society.

The Earth supplies the life and the Moon supplies the platform for jumping off into deep space. Both are necessary. As we said: yin and yang.

The first major work in this effort is called, The Moonlight Trilogy

It is a literary triptych: the story of young adults who share the adventure of peopling the Moon.

How will they feel and what will they think about their circumstances? What risks will they take and what will they give up to be a part of the future? It is our hope that, through these characters, you will find the humanity in an inhumanly big project.

But you will not find warp-drive or light-sabers in these pages. You will find strict adherence to scientific fact to the limit of the author's abilities.

This is hard science fiction with soft human values.

If you think this might be your cup of tea, please click below for the first few pages of each of these stories.

We hope you like them.