An early rendering of Kamaria, circa 2086 AD

An early rendering of Kamaria, circa 2086 AD


We are creatures of the eye. The visual field is our most important connection with the world. 

As distraught as we would be to lose one of our other senses, to be plunged into darkness would surely be the ultimate disaster, short of death itself.

In the arts, visual beauty: the balance of line, the excitement of color, the satisfaction of organized shapes and dimensions, these all have value because we have evolved around our sense of sight. Science tells us that the interception and interpretation of electromagnetic radiation in certain wavelengths occupies a larger part of our brain than any other sense. 

Sight is simply preeminent.

Wherever we go, then, we must take care to create visual interest and beauty around ourselves. Beauty makes us happy, makes us feel safe, and - don't laugh! - increases property values.

If the Moon is destined to be re-imagined as an integral part of our home-world, and we believe it is, then every art from poetry to painting to architecture, should travel there with us.

We would be foolish, and needlessly impoverish ourselves, if we undertook the great adventure of binding the Moon and the Earth together in a web of infrastructure and human community without making art an absolutely integral part of the experience.

And the visual arts most of all.

For we are truly creatures of the eye.

And like the children we were, we are all artists by nature.